Biden Town Hall

I think I finally figured out the Harris-Biden Administration platform.

My team has been getting me ready for my televised “town hall” tonight in Pennsylvania where I’ve been told that a live audience, socially distanced and wearing masks, will ask prearranged questions and I am practicing the answers.

I used the think all of the answers were just “we have to get the Bad Orange Godzilla Hitler” out of office. He’s misogynistic, racist, anti-immigrant, and “ruining” America.

Now I think I’ve figured out the entire platform in a nutshell. It is easy.

We just need to, with the media’s unwavering commitment, make everyone in America believe that up is down, black is white, left is right, right is left, good is bad, bad is good…. that is my basic platform.

Like take yesterday… My team tweets out that we don’t have a “minute to lose” to put together a plan for safe distribution of the Coronavirus vaccine. NOT A MINUTE TO LOSE, but I’m a hour and a half late to the meeting where I’m meeting with experts to come up with the plan (it’s so hard to put on my socks!), Trump ALREADY has a plan that was put together by experts and the military leaders, I’ve been telling everyone the vaccine isn’t safe, but I need a plan to distribute the “unsafe drug” immediately…. it’s all spin, up is down, black is white.

Criminals are Heros

Heros are villains

Or … “Trust the Experts” … unless they tell you something that brings hope or normality or is in conflict with our own narrative – like, kids should be in school, or the economy is rushing back, or Trump is surging in the polls, or sports can be managed safely, or that blue states are doing worse with coronavirus and economic recovery than red states or whatever. If you don’t like the experts’ take on a situation then they are wrong, and should be suspended on Twitter or hidden in Facebook or Google searches – if their expert opinion is something that might conflict with your narrative. Freedom of speech is great and all, of course. But, we should silence those that disagree. Like conservatives and Li-Ming Yan.

It’s simple, really. Pretend the electorate is dumb and has no way to investigate situations on their own. Make them believe it is nighttime in the middle of the day. The Democratic platform.

Yikes. Better stop piddlin’ around with all this deep thought. Gotta start putting on my socks and in a hurry this time!! We have to leave in an hour for Pennsylvania….!

Come on, man.

One thought on “Biden Town Hall”

  1. There’s so many disconnected points being made here it’s difficult to address it all in one comment. I’ll just say that Trump may have his “plan”, but since this plan is coming from someone who literally called the coronavirus a hoax and has consistently downplayed its seriousness even as it has claimed hundreds of thousands of American lives, I will say that I don’t have a lot of faith in it.

    Also wanted to add some more points about police brutality and BLM:

    Sometimes the discourse gets so singlemindedly focused on the worst, most obvious cases of violence like shootings or George Floyd’s death (not that those don’t deserve attention) that I think we forget about the multitude of “smaller” acts of violence that the police perpetrate CONSTANTLY. They at least have to somewhat answer for shooting people (not enough, but to some extent) but they can get away with maintaining control through a hell of a lot of verbal abuse, pushing, shoving, hitting, etc. without media attention. After awhile it feels pointless to keep endlessly debating if an isolated incident of shooting was justified because even if it was so fucking what. They’re still out there hurting millions of people on a daily basis. For every “justified” shooting there are so many indefensible incidents to rally for.

    I won’t call you a racist anymore, but I will say that several of the opinions you express on this page are racist opinions, and I will continue calling them that.

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