A Strange Letter

I’m on what they call a “break” right now after my so-so Town Hall yesterday. So, I thought I would take a few hours to type in the body of a weird and hilarious letter I received. That way, I will have it in my diary to look back on later. Just for fun.

Here it is:

Dear Joe,

I know you and your followers despise Trump, and cannot possibly fathom why anyone would ever vote for him, so let me fill you in.

I don’t think it’s that everyone loves Donald Trump so much. It’s that most people will do whatever it takes to vote for Trump because the only one most people find more dangerous to this nation than Trump, is you.

How is that possible, you might ask? 

Well, we can see with our own eyes the actions you and the left are doing to destroy our country…from tearing down the police, to tearing down our history, to tearing down our borders. 

The left seems focused on systematically destroying our schools, normalizing sexualization of children, and brainwashing our kids into believing socialism is the answer to everything (despite being an unmitigated failure everywhere).

Your party seems hell bent on demonizing religion and faith, and glorifying abortion, violence, drugs, and thug culture.

The Democrats throw around the name “racists” every time we expect everyone of all skin colors to follow our laws equally. Democrats all too easily call conservatives like Tim Scott, Herman Cain, Larry Elder and others—  “Uncle Toms” or “tokens” —ironically, while lecturing us on hate speech. 

Your party seems to love to ridicule us for having the audacity to hang a flag on the 4th of July, stand for the national anthem, or (horror of horrors) wear a MAGA hat in public …. while claiming to be the party of tolerance. Do you see why most people think the Democrats are the party of hypocrites??

The left doesn’t seem to care about free speech – on the contrary – you show us in your actions every day that your party feels free speech should be allowed only for those on the left and tossed out the window for those who disagree with your opinions. And furthermore, that harassment and violence against those that disagree with you … is fine.

The left seems to support those who destroy cities and people’s livelihoods without repercussions. The message? That chaos, and lawlessness, and disrespect for authority should be the norm? This seems to be the agenda on the left. Based on your words and your actions. 

The left’s narrative is a constant drone of race-baiting and “victim-hood” sold to people of color every chance you get because it’s such an easy sell, compared to actually teaching people to stand on their own two feet and helping them take personal responsibility for their own lives, their own communities, and their own futures. “The left will save you” is the message during each election, but quickly, the “saviors” forget that promise when the election cycle is over. 

This is why we will vote for Donald Trump. It is not because he is the most polite politician to have ever graced the oval office. 

It is because we have eyes and ears and brains and values. We are tired of the destructive crap you and the left are doing to this beautiful country we love.

We will not vote for your destructive, ignorant, and intolerant behaviors and beliefs — parading as “wokeness and tolerance.” 

The left seems constantly overtly disrespectful while making zero contributions of anything positive to our society. There is no working with the other side to get Coronavirus relief out to people. There is no movement for good — only attempts to vilify someone else. 

The Republicans are not just using rhetoric and false promises to win voters. They have used actions to improve the lot of regular Americans. Trump and the Republicans have led progress on health care, tax reform, national security, and education. They have leveled the playing field on trade, invested in medical research, lowered drug prices, beefed up the VA, made it possible for widows of soldiers to keep the benefits they were promised, provided tax relief, signed the FUTURE act into law to provide permanent funding to the historically black colleges, initiated Operation Legend to crack down on violent crime, set up and expanded Opportunity Zones to improve impoverished areas across the country, improved USA Cyber Security, worked to reform the criminal justice system and signed The First Step Act into law (the first major legislation to address mass incarceration at the federal level in decades), worked to provide assistance to all states during the pandemic and to help safely reopen states, put conservative judges on the bench, established the Space Force, defeated ISIS, took out Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, strengthened the border and followed and upheld the laws on the books, oversaw the public-private partnership in SpaceX that got America sending astronauts into space again for the first time in nearly 20 years, got us out of the horrific deal with Iran, and set up normalization and Peace deals between Israelis and large mostly Muslim nations with more countries promised to come. Trump has been tough on China and our adversaries while enacting changes to help America and Americans. When congress couldn’t extended Coronavirus relief to US workers that were out of work through no fault of the own because of the Virus, Trump unilaterally extended federal benefits. Prior to the pandemic, Trump had set up an economy that had the lowest unemployment rates EVER for blacks, Hispanics, and women. Under Trump, the United States’ lowest-paid workers saw their paychecks rise at the fastest pace in over a decade, women’s wages started rising faster than men’s resulting in a narrowing of the pay gap, the overall poverty rate declined to the lowest in nearly 20 years, the home ownership rate jumped to the highest level since 2008… people across the board were doing better in the Trump economy before the pandemic — and, because of that, we know he can bring it back after the pandemic. It’s not words. It’s actions and results that are important. 

Trump is the first President in my lifetime to not sign up the USA for a new war, and he gave the military much needed money for pay raises and modernization. 

Joe, your party’s entire focus is on ripping things down… never ever on building anything up. This is not the American way. 

Most people I know will vote for Donald J. Trump. And when he is reelected, and you wonder why? Look in the mirror. And look to your campaign staff who are so out of touch with reality that they convinced you to build a platform that is boiled down to nothing but hate and vitriol. 

You, complain — endlessly about Trump — and tell the public to pick you to solve the woes of society, yet you have failed to solve a single social problem anywhere. In fact, all you have done is create more of them while in office.

Meanwhile, Trump’s actions to help America and Americans have made him worthy of reelection.

So, when you wake up on the morning of November 4th (or more likely December 29 by the time the Supreme Court weighs in on the mail-in ballot fiasco we are headed towards) and find that Donald J. Trump is reelected, you will be one of the few who is surprised.


Your Average Patriotic American 

Whew…. that was a lot. I’m going to take a nap now. I just had to get that in here to look back on later. But what a bunch of malarkey!

Come on, man.

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