The White House

Wow… No wonder my advisors made me swear off watching TV news. Filled with terrorist attacks and crazy horrible, horrible stuff. Iran harassing our ships and we are giving them millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars. And, how long until they have nuclear weapons? Russia… Violence everywhere…. Hatred…

Scary stuff.

Note to self: Rethink my immediate disinfect and remodel of the living area of the White House. May need to concentrate on sprucing up and remodeling the Bunker. May be spending most of my Presidency there.

More later…


Racism and the Democrats

I’m a smart person and know that racism has an ugly past in the Democratic Party. Since the beginning of our Republic, the Democratic Party has been the party of slavery, of segregation.

We’ve been trying to rewrite history and have pointed fingers at the other side and the manipulation of the electorate is crafty and pure genius. Voters have no idea what’s happening, and they believe what I say. Lies. Skillful.

No one seems to remember me calling young black men “super-predators” or making jokes about Mahatma Gandhi. They don’t point out that, as a senator, I voted to construct a wall between the US and Mexico. No one talks about me and my campaign circulating pictures of Obama in full Muslim garb or being in the birther movement myself. No one brings up that Bill made a joke that “a few years ago this guy would have been getting us coffee” about Obama when I was running against him in the primaries. I have personally been against illegal immigration and called those in the country illegally “illegal aliens.” I’ve made anti-Semitic comments, called disabled children “retards” and disparaged American Indians.

But I can stand up and point a finger at Trump and they all believe I’m the one wearing the White Hat. I’m the pious progressive while the Republicans are the party making people “hate again.” Nothing to do with me making this election about race. That’s not hateful and low? Of course it is. But, the voters will run from him while I laugh. It’s laughable.

But truly the saddest part is the Democratic Party is the party killing the inner cities. Ruining the black neighborhoods. Hurting the chances of the communities of color. Obama and his policies, which I will continue, has made the areas of color go from bad to worse. Democrats run the 10 poorest cities in America. Our policies have been failing for many years.

The electorate is so easily manipulated, they keep voting for the Democrats in these areas, even though each year the cities get poorer and less safe. On the other side, Republican mayors and Governors have made tremendous strides in improving states and cities. But the manipulation, the false trust that we have instilled in the black and poor communities is nothing short of pure brilliance. What have they got to lose in voting for Trump? Nothing. But they will continue to go to the polls and vote for me and the Democrats even though we have failed them and will continue to fail them. Brilliant.

I’m going to pat myself on the back and rest today. Good job tearing apart the country and being incredibly divisive. And, great job making the voters believe it’s all Trump’s fault.

More later.





The Black Vote take 2

What’s worse than a COMMUNITY college speaking arrangement in RENO? Hard to guess.

Since Trump is reaching out to the Black Vote, my team now wants me to reaffirm my base and support of the African-American community by meeting again with Al Sharpton. Huh? After last lunch I had to take a Silkwood decontamination shower. I’ll take community college over Al Sharpton any day. He owes like $4 million in back taxes and I have to suck up to him?

Bottom line, I will kiss his ass and pay back foreign entities and do whatever I need to do to get elected and line my pockets. Nothing new.

Also BLM. The people who yell at their rallies to kill the police? I’m not a huge supporter of law enforcement, but do I have to befriend a group that says “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now.” Yikes.

Ok, I will love them. And hate police. And hate Cher. Wait, love Cher. For TPP. Wait against TPP. Frick. I’ll get up tomorrow and flip a coin on that one. Basically, just spew hate at all Republicans. Seems like best tactic I have left. Just confused, but will keep pushing. No one notices my struggle. Media still in my court. Tired. But I look better than Bill. Jesus, if anyone wants to question someone’s health and mental ability – they shouldn’t point the finger at me….

I once said “All lives matter.” I guess that’s racist now. I know I’m no longer able to say that. It’s one of the rules. Along with not spitting on the Secret Service and to smile in all situations when I’m around the moronic electorate. And, don’t use disinfectant on my hands after I shake hands with them. Wait until I am back in the car. Rules. Lovely.

Wonder how much more money Bill will make for speaking arrangements when I’m President? If he’s still up to it. Definitely no free speeches. He won’t be a typical First Lady. He will have billable hours.

More later…

Hollywood and Jessica Biel

Maybe Jessica Biel will play me in a movie about myself.

Few thoughts: just had a post-assessment with my team of the speech today. Overall, they said I did better. Less yelling into the microphone. Good. Sincere eye contact and gestures. Great. I really should have gotten kudos for keeping a straight face during half the attacks on Trump.

Trump: divisive. Like putting out ads that Republicans are KKK and racist isn’t decisive. Ha.

Trump: liar. I don’t think I need to beat a dead horse here. What would be funny is if Trump said during the debates “Hillary, you know how I know when you are lying? You’re lips are moving.” Ha ha. I crack myself up. But seriously. Pot calling kettle black.

Trump: bad advisors – surrounds himself with bad people? Wow, I have career politicians and Huma Abedin on my side. Hmmmmmm. I trump Trump. Lol. Don’t know if I’m actually this witty or if it’s the vodka talking.

I could go on. But, bottom line is I’m a great actress. I should have been an actress, not a politician. I play a role well. When I say “my friends” at a pathetic COMMUNITY college in a small ridiculous place in the middle of nowhere with those people…

I am actually quite upset at the booking. If I was an actress, I would fire my agent. Reno? Crap. This “reach out to America” role is the most difficult ever. And, I’m doing great. Like Golden Globe shit. Oscar quality…..

More later.



Megyn Kelly

Megyn…how can she go against me like this? What does she possibly have against me? Doesn’t she know that “there is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women?”

After calling me a liar for months, she interviews Assange?

And the bad news from special staff this week was that getting into the Ecuadorian Embassy is more difficult than originally thought. That’s unfortunate news.

Also, Megyn too pretty to be taken seriously. And who watches Fox anyway? Note: how hard would it be to get Fox taken off airways when I’m elected? That would be a fun thing to try.

More later.


Pay to Play

Newest email scandal — Duh, of course I will meet with people who give me money. The Foundation got most of its money from people who wanted access. I want money and power, they want access. Win win. I met with a couple of people who didn’t donate. I wasn’t happy about it, but I was getting paid to do a job, so I did. Focus on that.

When Louisiana coughs up money, I’ll go meet with that mess of a place.

263 days and no press conference. Not going to do one now, Reince.

I wonder if anyone else is concerned about the fires, earthquakes and floods. Like a Biblical warning. Trump called me the Devil once. If only. That’s power.

More later.


The Black Vote

Los Angeles trip was not bad. So far, so good. Money coming in again.

So, Trump apparently making a play for the Black Vote. Seriously. I have 99% of the Black Vote. I think the other 1% is made up of Larry Elder, Colin Powell, Herman Cain and Ben Carson.

Fat chance. I mean, even I really think it would make sense for the black electorate to vote Republican. To paraphrase The Donald —  “what have they got to lose?” I understand his point. Black men and women and young adults are worse off than they were 8 years ago. Their income has come down, their education systems are failing. Their jobless rates have skyrocketed. Many of the predominately black urban areas have become places of death and destruction. With me, they just get more of the same.

But, the voters — ALL voters — are easy to manipulate. And, the media has done a great job painting The Donald as a misogynistic, bigoted, crazy man.

So, I have nothing to lose. The Democrats will keep the black vote.

More later.

More Louisiana

There are worst places than Martha’s Vineyard. One is Louisiana. No chance I’m going there any time soon. Also, rethinking the pay to pay strategy. When I’m President, I won’t take foreign donations to the Foundation – but again worth looking at – maybe states can donate for access to the White House….. Have a flood? Donate to the Foundation and I may come.

Huma super excited about the Florida pledge of allegiance waiver and some schools dropping the pledge altogether. Wants to have that all over the country because teaching children the values of our country and pledging allegiance to the American flag is just a form of indoctrination and brainwashing that we should stop. And, offensive to many.

I grew up saying the pledge of allegiance. I still love the country and can it be bad to get the young kids to say a pledge to our country? Is it wrong to have the kids learn that freedom and what our country represents is something to love and respect and pledge allegiance to? Is it inhibiting their freedom to force them to do this? It is a fair concern. I can see both sides. But, she’s probably right and I’m too tired to argue. Put waivers or stopping the pledge of allegiance in public schools on my list.

More later.


So cool to be endorsed by WIRED – which I guess is a tech magazine or website. Not in my realm, don’t know exactly what it means — but cool anyway.

Just a little ironic. I have trouble turning my phone on and off, but apparently I’m the person the tech leaders love.

Crap. Fundraising still sluggish.


On the bright side, apparently the Foundation is getting a lot of money after we announced we weren’t taking any foreign/corporate money after November. Gotta get their money and their chit in while they can.

More later.