Abraham Lincoln

I think my team likes to use analogies or metaphors to throw me off when they don’t want to answer a question. Not that I know the difference between an analogy and a metaphor, but that’s ok.

Today, I got one of those when I questioned the team what my policies really are. Like why one day do I say one thing, and the next day I say the opposite — it’s confusing to me. I am the Democratic Party, for heaven’s sake! And it’s like I’m trying to be everything to everyone and not really answering tough questions and then also answering questions with opposite answers. And so, what do I stand for?

For example:

I’m with Bernie. Bernie will help guide policies. But do I look like a socialist? Socialism is bad…Or….

I’m against fracking, but I’m not against fracking, but I’m against new fracking. But I may stop all fracking or may not. Or…

I support defunding the police, but I won’t defund the police …. but I may want to reimagine the police by taking funds from them. But I’m pro-police and they may need more money. But I’m pro anti-police sentiments. Or…

I’ll pack the court. I won’t pack the court. I won’t answer if I will or won’t pack the court. And on and on. There’s a list.

It just kind of makes me scratch my head. In some ways I guess I’ve been wavering back and forth my entire political career. I was for the Hyde Amendment, then against the Hyde Amendment… there’s a list.

But, where was I? I was trying to write down an analogy (or metaphor or riddle) that some young babe gave me today. Ahh..Yes, that was my original point. My team likes to say really smart things.

So here we go. Supposedly, basically Abraham Lincoln did something like this:

Abraham Lincoln says to a large group, “How many legs would a calf have if you call his tail a leg?”

And the group yells, “FIVE!”

And, Lincoln says, “Wrong. The calf still only has four legs, no matter what you call the tail.”

I’m not sure what her point was. Is this another “up is down, left is right, Democrats used to be Republicans, let’s confuse everyone including Joe” kind of thing?

Are we the calf, or the tail, or are we trying to use propaganda, the media and mob mentality to make people believe or think something that just isn’t so. And what is that? Is it that I’m someone who could actually lead this country? I’m confusing myself now. Actually, this whole day has been confusing. And, Trump coming out of the hospital for a deranged Coronavirus speech on his balcony a few days ago still has me rattled. I need a nap.

Come on, man.

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