Dream On

I keep having fitful dreams. Some I can remember and others – I just remember bits and pieces or nothing at all.

Someone on my team said to lay perfectly still when I wake up and retell my dream to myself in my head before I move. And leave a piece of paper by the bed and as soon as possible, jot down the dream basics. So I tried it. And it works pretty well, actually.

So here was the dream I had last night:

I was at a campaign with many Native Americans. Some dressed in suits, and some in headdresses. I remember standing there, everyone watching me with smiles and politely clapping when my speech ended.

And Kamala was there.

A chief, I assume, came up afterwards. He introduced himself as Black Wolf or Black Hawk. A grand man. He said as his gift he would give us new Native American names.

To Kamala, he said, “We will call you Walking Eagle. An Eagle, majestic and strong – and grounded, as you are.”

Then he turned to me and said, “Mr. Vice President, we will call you Post Turtle. Slow and steady, high above the fray, on a lofty perch as you have been for 47 years in government and as you are now. Post Turtle.” He nodded his head slightly and smiled warmly at me.

Everyone cheered. And I remember feeling elated. Proud.

Then we were whisked away, everything was hectic – and there was a woman with us – maybe a wise woman or medicine woman. I had the feeling she was going to give us some other gift or important message to help us on our way.

But, instead, she gave us the true explanation of our names.

First, she explained to Kamala, “Walking Eagle is just a bird so full of shit it isn’t able to fly.”

And then turned to me with a menacing grin and says, “Joe. Dear Joe. A Post Turtle? Have you ever driven down the road and seen a turtle balanced on top of a high fence post?”

“No,” I replied.

She continued, “Well, let me tell you what goes through your head when you see a turtle balancing on a post and then maybe you will understand how you got your name. When you see a turtle perched on a post, you know he didn’t get up there by himself and you know he doesn’t belong up there and you know he doesn’t know what to do with himself up there. You know he’s been put in a place where he cannot function and you really just wonder what dumbass put him up there in the first place. ” And with that, she turned sharply and walked away.

And then I woke up. Weird dream, but I can’t figure out what it means.

Come on, man.

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