So, one cool staffer showed me an Epic Rap Battle on YouTube between me and Trump. Really great.

My first thought, which I said out loud, was, “I don’t remember doing that.”

“It’s an impersonator, Mr. Joe,” said the staffer with an emphasis on impersonator and then a few minute explanation of what an impersonator was, what YouTube was, and that Trump is the current President and this is a parody, and also an explanation of parody. Like I’m dumb. But, yes, some of that was helpful.

They have me actually leaving my house now and going to places like Minnesota. I repeat. Minnesota. This is some kind of cruel and inhumane punishment.

And the rap battle? I wish I had the energy that impersonator had. And his hair. And some of the epic blows. Trump, on the other hand, he was just mean. I would love to take him behind the gym and beat the crap out of him.

White House soon. Eye on the prize.

Come on, man.

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