Trump wants to kill me

The press is brutal. Not to me, of course. Trump once said something about him being able to shoot someone and not lose voters. Now, he just opens his mouth and the press do the rest. Voters are easily manipulated, I’ve said it before. The press twists what he says and the voters go away.

Yesterday he gives a speech to try and get the NRA and 2nd amendment supporters to rally around him and vote for him to keep me out of the White House. Because I’ll put in super liberal judges, make everyone register their guns so I know where to go to get them. And, put major restrictions on gun ownership, if we allow it at all once I’m in office.

Of course, guns to protect the White House and me – I’m not stupid. But, the other people – no reason for them to have guns.

But the press take that and run. They are claiming that what Trump really meant was for gun owners to shoot me. I guess you could take it that way.  But, even I know it’s not what he meant. But, then again, I am smarter that the average voter.

Anyway, the rebel press at Fox have a different idea. Fair and Balanced? They basically implied I shot a DNC worker that was working with Julian Assange. Or the DNC or someone in my staff. And, they keep interviewing people that are insinuating that I’m corrupt. Even talking about the time I tried to steal furniture from the White House. Just silly. I don’t think many people watch Fox anyway. Although, they do have some hot women on that channel…. Bill watches, I know.

Hmmm. Julian Assange. He’s an enigma, I wonder what emails he has that he’s planning on releasing? There are plenty that, if read by the public, could actually kill me and my white house plans. I don’t believe he has anything. If he did, why is he waiting?

Then again, if he does have damaging emails that paint a picture of me as corrupt or actually put the puzzle pieces together of the countries and companies I sold favors to while Secretary of State…it wouldn’t be ideal to have them released. I can always hope for another terror attack or cop shooting to deflect the media attention off the emails when/if they do come out….

More later.

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