MAGA was catchy. But the media has done an amazing job making it seem really bad. Trump’s latest – Keep America Great… it’s not as catchy and the media has yet to brandish it as racist, but give them some time.

My slogan “the best days are yet to come” is a little wordy. I suggested changing it to MAG. Make America Greater. The team didn’t seem to like it much. I’ll push the idea again later. Maybe they will warm up to the idea.

My team did finally listen to me and let me make a statement that rioting is bad. I think that they had a bunch of focus groups and found that most people just don’t like the chaos where libraries, businesses, cars, and pretty much anything in the way of thugs are burned and looted. They said they couldn’t let me go on the news, because the odds were pretty high that I would say something wrong. Calling rioters thugs, for example. That could be seen as calling blacks people thugs. I guess I don’t understand that… there are rioters and looters of every color. And they are ALL thugs. Looters are thugs. I many be dumb, but I’m not stupid… Thugs are bad! Saying so, it can’t be racist, it’s just a true statement. If there is a person from the Orient looting then they are a thug. If there is a white person bussed in from Delaware to MN to cause trouble and they loot – they are a thug. If that’s not ok to say, then we are living in a bizarre world.

So, as much as I love freedom of speech, I don’t get any right now. No live interviews allowed …. in case I say something a little off. Instead, the team took a few hours to write something and then edit it and then re-edit it a few times and then finally they released “my statement” when they were done. And it was polished, and heartfelt and included:

“Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not.”

That’s perfect. The whole statement was really good. Maybe the team knows what they are doing. Had to be better than me doing a bunch of interviews. Clean, clear and foolproof/Joe proof.

I deplore what happened to Mr. Floyd. That shouldn’t happen in America, folks. We are all aligned. Every American. No one thinks that’s ok. I wish I had a little more freedom of speech here from my basement, but the reality is the same. Peaceful protests good. Reform and more oversight needed in some police forces —- punish the bad cops. Don’t riot and cause harm to innocents.

Mostly the staff did statement stuff yesterday. One thing at a time. But, at some point someone also informed me that Amy is out. Apparently in her many years working as prosecutor or public servant she may or may not have done something wrong. Hard to tell, really. Hindsight is 20/20. But — maybe better to find someone that has little to no history. Someone that says the “right” things, but really has very little or no action. If a person hasn’t really done much, then maybe there is less of a chance that the media and voters could find something that they may have done less than perfectly.

Seems like they want Stacey again, then. A brams. Got it. Fits their checklist? If so, let’s announce already – why wait until August!?

Come on, man.

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