
Over a million people signed up to go to the Trump rally. So far, 163 have signed up for my “counter-event” Zoom call. So…. the excitement never ends for my campaign. Yay!

I’m still interested in going to a BLM protest/rally. Skimming the news, I found out a black man was shot in the streets. And the police never even came. No support for the man came. No ambulance, no fire fighters. To me, that’s just a another example of the sad state of affairs for minorities in our country. Especially in communities of color. The ACLU in Chicago has been fighting for more police, more funding in the minority communities for more police support and help for years. Along with some reform and training, the ACLU had been encouraging more police not less. People wait 11 minutes in the poorer communities for response to 911 calls but less than three minutes in the wealthier, white neighborhoods. Doesn’t seem right.

But the man who died senselessly with zero response from any first responders…. This is not something I can get behind. Seems like it would be worth protesting. It happened in a place called CHOP, Washington, wherever that is. I know there is that crazy “defund police” movement —but I will ask the team if I can release a statement about needing more police, at least in CHOP. And maybe Chicago. And Los Angeles. And NYC – those murder numbers are going bonkers. And Detroit. And Atlanta, seems like there is some kind of new pandemic affecting the officers there with many calling in sick. More police in these areas seems reasonable. Right?

Come on, man.

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