Louie Gohmert

Wednesday the House voted to remove 11 Statues from the capital building and donate them to Smithsonian or throw them in the river or something.

The 11 Statues — including Chief Justice Roger B. Taney and a bunch of Vice Presidents, Senators, and Governors that voluntarily fought for the Confederacy or did something else bad — I’m pretty sure all of them were Democrats.

So maybe it’s not that surprising that yesterday, Louie Gohmert came in with his cowboy hat and spurs and introduced a bill to ban the Democratic Party and any other groups that historically supported the Confederacy or slavery.

He made this statement, “Since people are demanding we rid themselves of the entities, symbols and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, and the Ku Klux Klan.”

So what if the Democrats largely supported slavery before, during, and after the US Civil War? That was a long time ago. And, who cares that the KKK was founded by a bunch of Democrats? And, does anyone really care that it was the Democratic Party who largely opposed the Civil Rights movement. In fact, they held the nation’s longest filibuster – for 60 days – to attempt to prevent the passing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Only 60 percent of Democrats voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act – while 80 percent of Republicans did.

What else? The Jim Crow laws, which legalized segregation- Democratic.

More? First black man to eat at White House with a President – Booker T. Washington with Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican.

First black Senator – Republican. Today, Tim Scott is a black Republican Senator that gave a speech a few weeks ago where he implied that the reason the Democrats refused to work with him on the Police Reform bill he wrote was not because of “what” the bill was – but because of “who” presented it. A black man? Worse – a black Republican man. How dare he!? Scott said he would have allowed amendments. Would have worked with anything they wanted. The Dems? They said no. Why? We can say we are for communities of color, but if we have to work with a black Republican to get a police reform bill passed, we say nope, apparently.

Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth were received at the White House by Presidents Lincoln, Grant, Hayes – all Republicans. I could go on, but I am boring even myself, which I guess I do often so … who cares?

If we do have to change our Party name, maybe an appropriate name would be the Retirement Party. Seems appropriate for me, at least. I wish I could use The Birthday Party, but Kanye already took that name. Too bad! I could have gone to events in my birthday suit. Ha ha. With a mask, of course. I’m not feeble minded.

Come on, man.

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