Winning and Fancy Nancy

An old adage in politics is “When you are reacting, you are losing.”

But that just can’t be true. Trump went to Kenosha Tuesday. I’m going tomorrow.

Trump and his team have laid out their plans for vaccines and reopening schools. I have my plan which I’m presenting today… which is basically the same plan as Trump’s. Stuff that he has already done or has already planned. And I am presenting mine after his. But in slightly different words.

I’ve had a lot of practice at plagiarism and so maybe no one will notice or even think it’s weird that the plan is pretty much the same. Except for the mandatory mask mandate. That’s all mine.

Poor Nitwit Nancy. Or is it Fancy Nancy, now? Caught without a mask, indoors, at a hair salon in San Francisco that couldn’t be open legally for hair appointments. But, it’s just another time where we, the Democratic Elite will say, “do as I say, not as I do. The rules are only for the others.”

Like the Democratic mayor of Philly eating inside at a restaurant in Maryland but telling his own city that they cannot eat indoors.

Or, Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot who got her hair cut when she said no one else could. Or who did nothing to protect her city from the “peaceful protests” that burned and rioted and resulted in mass destruction of many beautiful Chicago neighborhoods. Did nothing. Oh wait, she did ban protests on her own street where her house was. For her own protection. Everyone else – “let them eat cake”?

We can hold funerals, mass gatherings, don’t need to comply on any mandatory quarantines, can be paid 100 percent of our salaries, can vote our own raises, have our own special Health Insurance so we are never really worried about healthcare….

And we can use shame. “Shame on you for not complying with the rules” or “Shame on you for complaining about the rules” or I should say, our rules for you… while we completely ignore them in our own lives.

Well, not me. I wear my mask. Pretty much all the time. And I’m winning. Comma La and I raised $300 million in August. I’m not sure how much Trump and the GOP raised. I know they raised more than us during their convention week. But, their convention was great so…

$300 million is a record. No way they got that much. Right? I’m definitely winning. Not even sure if I need to leave the basement much. I am winning. Just ask me.

Come on, man.

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