Law and Order

My team keeps talking about the fact that general violence and crime issues are showing up in the polling. Concerns about the crime in America now is the number one issue for voters – above Coronavirus even.

So after a week of the DNC where we said nothing about the violence in the streets, and after 100s of days of violence, looting, riots and other devastation, I’m out and about and talking about violence and blaming it 100 percent on Trump. Not because I actually care, but because of the focus groups that said we should show concern. And the polls.

Of course Trump is to blame. Never mind that almost all failing cities are run by Democrats. Don’t pay attention to the fact that 42 of the worst 43 cities for crime in America are Democratic cities in Democratic led and run areas.

I’m the savior. I will be the President that will turn things around and help the forgotten man. That’s my line. Never mind that I’ve been in politics for 100 years and have yet to do anything for the Little Guy. Give me the power, I’ll fix it all. I am all about the Little Guy!

Never mind that in city after city where Democrats already have been in charge politically for an extended period of time, we find exceedingly high—indeed, often colossal—levels of crime and poverty that degrade the quality of life for the people who reside there. And the longer Democrats have dominated the politics of those cities, the worse the conditions tend to be. Democrats have transformed a host of once-great metropolises into urban prisons where the “little guy”particularly the black and Hispanic “little guy” on whose behalf Democrats typically claim to speakhas been grievously harmed by one destructive Democratic policy after another.

It will all be different once the Orange Bad Guy is out of the White House. Don’t vote on the record of the Democrats. Just trust me. When I’m President, it will all be miraculously different.

Come on, man.

One thought on “Law and Order”

  1. When people are satisfied with the current state of society, they vote conservative. When people think that the current state of society is pretty fucked up, they vote liberal. This is how voting patterns have worked throughout every country on earth.

    Cities with high crime tend to vote in democratic politicians. If an actual causal relationship does exist between democratic politicians and crime, then it’s the reverse of what you’re saying it is.

    Please give me an actual source that supports the fact that universally Democrats have only made the state of cities worse.

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